On February 10th, 2017, the Cumberland County Food Security Council hosted A Food Policy Forum in Portland, ME, for key stakeholders and council members. At the forum, participants reviewed food policy currently being discussed at both the state and federal level. Members of the policy community gave presentations to help inform and guide our work together in 2017.
State Legislation
Maine Representative Scott Hamann presented on SNAP bills and other proposals during the Food Policy Forum in February. The file below summarizes four of the bills that were discussed. Additional bills reviewed are listed below. The titles listed are organized according to the committees to which they are expected to be assigned.
Note: Each proposal is currently listed by its Legislative Request (LR) Number. Assigned by the Revisor of Statutes when a request for a Bill is made, LR numbers are used to track a bill until it is printed as a Legislative Document (assigned an LD number).
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Bills:
Four SNAP Bills | |
File Size: | 220 kb |
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CCFSC Executive Director Jim Hanna's Testimony in person before the Maine Legislature's Committee on Health and Human Services (4/27/17) | |
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Health and Human Services:
- LR 416 Rep. Hamann of South Portland Title: Resolve, To Provide Meals to Homebound Individuals
- LR 1764 Sen. Jackson of Aroostook Title: An Act To Alleviate Child Hunger in Rural Maine by Amending the Food Supplement Program
- LR 612 Rep. Hamann of South Portland Title: An Act To Support Veterans Who Participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- LR 417 Rep. Hamann of South Portland Title: An Act To Eliminate Asset Tests for Individuals Applying for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits
- LR 418 Rep. Hamann of South Portland Title: An Act To Provide Additional Assistance for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Receiving Food Supplement Program Benefits
- LR 810 Rep. Hamann of South Portland Title: An Act To Establish the Let's Grow Maine Program
- LR 1275 Rep. Herbig of Belfast Title: An Act To Reduce Food Insecurity
- LR 2034 Rep. Hickman of Winthrop Title: An Act To Address Hunger, Support Maine Farms and Reduce Waste
Child Nutrition proposals were presented by Michelle Lamm, Preble Street’s Maine Hunger Initiative.
- LR 1895 Rep. Pierce of Falmouth Title: An Act To Require at Least a 30-minute Lunch Period for Students
- LR 1194 Sen. Maker of Washington Title: An Act To End Student Hunger with Breakfast after the Bell
- LR 1526 Sen. Breen of Cumberland Title: An Act To Promote Academic Achievement through Hunger Relief for Maine Children
- LR 1650 Sen. Bellows of Kennebec Title: An Act To Improve Antihunger Programs in Maine Schools
Hunger Pains, is a research study conducted by Preble Street Maine Hunger Initiative and Good Shepherd Food Bank. The organizations sought to look beyond the numbers to gain a clearer understanding of who is struggling with hunger in Maine and what challenges they face in their attempts to attain food security. The research team surveyed 2,053 food pantry users across all 16 Maine counties, held focus groups, and conducted interviews in an effort to gather both qualitative and quantitative information. Clara Whitney of Good Shepherd Food Bank and Michelle Lamm of Preble Street's Maine Hunger Initiative presented the findings at the Forum. Please refer to the Food Pantry Survey Report and Executive Summary below.
Related Articles:
- Our View: Hunger in Maine shows no signs of relenting
- Report: Hunger increasing in Maine as assistance shrinks
- Study: State Policies Have Increased Food Insecurity in Maine
- New report lays out why so many Mainers go hungry
- Maine’s high hunger rate persists even as national rate falls
- Make this place feed me: A simple change can give Maine's hungry, rural people more food
- Maine should do this 1 thing to help those who are hungry
Federal Legislation
The First Hearing for the 2018 Farm Bill took place on February 23rd, 2017, in Manhattan, Kansas.
Federal Legislation
The First Hearing for the 2018 Farm Bill took place on February 23rd, 2017, in Manhattan, Kansas.
Farm Bill Info Sheet | |
File Size: | 394 kb |
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Food Recovery Act Fact Sheet:
Food Recovery Act Fact Sheet:
Food Recovery Act Fact Sheet | |
File Size: | 2692 kb |
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Child Nutrition Reauthorization:
The federal child nutrition programs are an essential investment in the one in six children in America that faces hunger. Ensuring all children have the nutritious food they need to learn, grow, and thrive is critical to our nation's future. In addition to protecting SNAP, the largest safety net for children, Congress should help maintain strong nutrition standards and efficient access to all child nutrition programs.
While federal Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR) legislation was not finalized in the last congressional session and will not likely be pursued in 2017, it is important that Congress protect the funding and structure.